Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Architectural Desktop 2006 Display Configurations

Display configurations play a big part in your drawings for those of you who use Architectural Desktop (ADT 2006). A display configuration is a collection of display sets assigned to view directions. A display configuration typically is created for a specific design task or drawing type. To use a display configuration, you assign it to a viewport.

So how do I get a Display Configuration that is one drawing to appear in another drawing with out having to create a new one from scratch? In ADT 2004/2005 there was an import/export option hidden with in the Display Manager. In ADT 2006 you simply copy and paste the configuration from one drawing to another.

Open up the Display Manager located under the Format pull down menu.

You will see 3 folders: Configurations, Sets, and Representations by Objects located under each drawing you have opened. You do not have to physically open each drawing within a session of AutoCAD. You can open each one with in the Display Manager.

Expand the Configurations folder. From here you can view the different Display Configurations set within a particular drawing. To transfer a Display set from one drawing to another, simply highlight the configuration you want and select "copy".

Move down to the drawing within your Display Manager and epand the Configurations folder and paste in the configuration you have just copied.

Though the Display Configurations may work on most of your drawings, you will need to do some layer management to control all of the other non intellegent items. This is where Layer Manager comes in handy, but that is for another day.

So, instead of trying to create one from scratch, use this method to save you loads of time. These displays also can be sent via email so others can have the same display as you.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Be Proud of CAD Standards

In today's CAD world more and more users are looking for standards to follow. Far to often we run into people who just want to get the information on a drawing and push it out the door as fast as possible. I have been a strong believer of standards for 2 reasons. One, you go through less aspirin and the second being you and your co-workers are all on the same page.
Every company is about saving money, and to do that we need to save time. Since time will not stand still for us, we need to be efficient in our everyday design. To do this we must educate everyone to the CAD world and what it has to offer. There are a lot of dinosaurs out there that prefer the lead and a piece of paper, but even those realize how important CAD has become.

Sketches are very important to the drafter to have a better idea on how to layout the project. Even though a drafter must rely on an Engineer or Architect for information they too rely on us to help educate the best way to organize the information on the drawing. A good set of standards is the foundation of setting up a project. Every detail must be mapped out and organized.

Utilizing new software such as Architectural Desktop 2006, Building Systems 2006, Revit 8, standards come hand in hand with tools provided to force certain standards to happen.

As a CAD Coordinator, or Manager, or Guru, or whatever title you prefer, we are to show the end user all the tools available and open up new ways of thinking. No one likes change. We are not telling them how to draft only showing them other ways that may be a little easier and faster for them to understand.

I don't know about you but for myself, I live by standards because I know I can jump on any drawing and dig in without wasting time trying to figure out what the person before me did. It takes one step at a time to show others to think outside the delta.

You have to have plan, organize, and revise your standards daily. Some things work for one project but may not work for others. There are always exceptions to the rule but the rule should not be the exception.

As you move along you will start seeing the results. Things will not change over night, but constant reminding of the standards and showing examples are key to the success of having an office standard. If you do not write it down, how do you expect them to know it is a standard? Upper management needs to be educated as well why it is important to have standards.

Standards can start with a project you have completed. Go back and write up a draft on how you could have made that package even better. Maybe you need to get you layering system in check or you need organize you drawing layout. You need to find out what is important to the group. Listen to the end users; they may have a better method. But then again they may not and just do not want to change. Every company has those who refuse to change but are an excellent worker. All you can do is educate them.

If designing and engineering is your life then why not make it easier on yourself and the person next to you. The most imposrtant rule in AutoCAD is to save often. The next most important rule should be "Who will this effect if I do it this way?" By changing one simple layer or color could effect hundreds of drawings. Is it worth all that time to not follow standards?

For those CAD standard haters, take a step back and really look at the standards. We are not telling you how to draft, just how things may need to be displayed. If you are the lazy type to follow the standards, just imagine your design! I know many CAD users who are proud of their work as I am about the work I do and the projects I work on.

Take the first step and support those who work hard on creating standards for your office. They are the ones who go to bat on getting newer equipment, and newer software. Subscription is the way to go with any company. Why try to catch up with new software when you can have the new tools as they are released.

Spend more time listening and supporting standards and less time resisting so you to can produce well organized projects and improve your CAD skills along the way.

This project is the new "Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh" under construction and designed by Pittsburgh’s own Architectural firm Astorino. This project is being created using Architectural Desktop.

Be proud of your designs and see you at Autodesk University 2005.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Batch Plotting at its BEST!!

Finally a BATCH plot that works great. I recommend you try this command. Talk about a time saver. The PUBLISH command has become one of my best friends. I use to write script files now all I have to do is click and pick and off to the printer I go.

The PUBLISH command will allow you to create either a DWF file or send it to the plotter named in the page setup for either a hardcopy or as a plot file. When creating this drawing list you have the option to include the Model tab along with all of the Layout tabs. It will combine the drawing name and layout tab using a “-“ in case your drawing has multiple tabs.

The navigational toolbar (shown below)will allow you to add or remove drawings, place them in the order in which you would like them to publish. Load or save a Sheet List. Even include a Plot Stamp.

Once you have loaded all of your drawings, placed them in the order you want, assign the page set up you prefer. Rename the DWF or plot file, if you are like me and do not want the tab name included in the drawing, you can simply rename the drawings loaded by right clicking on the drawing or hitting F2 and removing the layout tab name.

You are now ready to process. You must then hit the PUBLISH button. (Not in a very strategic location). It will prompt you to save the drawing set you just created or append one you already have. This is has the extension of .DSD (Drawing Set Descriptions) . Saved drawing sets can replace or be appended to the current list for republishing. (This is a real time saver).

Word of caution, I have created DSD files that contain a few hundred drawings so it may take a few minutes for your list to load. Be patient you will make up the time when you publish your list.

Hope you find this as a real timesaver!!

Bring Text and Dimensions to the front!

The drawing order of objects is very important in CAD drafting. Many times, I have forgotten to bring text and dimension forward before plotting, especially if they are behind a solid hatch. The TEXTTOFRONT command brings all text and dimensions to the front without having to select them all first. Those of you who are familiar with DRAWORDER command know that you must first select all the text and dimensions in the drawing and then use the "Front" option.

This is a simple command to use. On the command line type TEXTTOFRONT and then choose one of the three options.